Chapter 7: Django Image Uploads

Intro to Django

link Django Image Uploads

By the end of this lesson, developers will be able to:

  • Create, upload images to Amazon S3 and boto3
  • Accept uploaded file images using graphene-file-upload


Having the ability to upload book cover images would enhance the library catalog.

For our local library the "shelves" would feature cover images for browsing users.

So how about it? Let's uncover the steps to introduce a new client-facing feature.

link BookImage Model

We will create a new BookImage model to reflect these attributes:

  • book
  • url

Fairly simple, let's revisit catalog/

Add the following anywhere below your book model:

""" BookImage model (Book -< BookImage) """
class BookImage(models.Model):
    book = models.ForeignKey(Book, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    url = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    def __str__(self):
        return or ""

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Book Image"
        verbose_name_plural = "Book Image"

Here, we establish a new one-to-many relationship between Book and BookImages.

Update Models, Migrations

Before testing with Amazon S3, let's apply the new model migrations.

pipenv run python3 makemigrations
pipenv run python3 migrate

link S3 Bucket Policy

Ready to build an image library with S3? Start by adding a new folder, .aws and then a new file inside, called .aws/credentials.

Paste the following inside .aws/credentials:


NOTE: You must replace the "XXXX" values with your own S3 bucket keys.

Check out this guide to learn more about S3 image hosting.

Once you have the two keys in your .aws/credentials, proceed to accepting file uploads.

link Accepting Files

Boto3 Install

pipenv install boto3

Graphene File Upload

pipenv install graphene-file-upload

Add the following BookImageMutation to catalog/

from catalog.models import Author, Book, BookImage
from graphene_file_upload.scalars import Upload
import boto3
import uuid

# AWS S3 constants
S3_BASE_URL = '' 
BUCKET = 'libby-app'

# Once we add this node, we can query for book images
class BookImageNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = BookImage

# ...

class BookImageMutation(Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        file = Upload(required=True)
        id = ID(required=True)

    success = Boolean()

    def mutate(self, info, file, **data):
        # do something with your file
        # photo-file will be the "name" attribute on the <input type="file">
        photo_file = file
        book_id = data.get('id')
        if photo_file and book_id:
            s3 = boto3.client('s3')
            # 1. need a unique "key" for S3 / needs image file extension too
            key = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] +['.'):]
            # just in case something goes wrong
                s3.upload_fileobj(photo_file, BUCKET, key)
                # build the full url string
                # url has to be unique, 
                # otherwise we risk overwriting existing files.
                url = f"https://{BUCKET}.{S3_BASE_URL}/{key}"
                # 2. we can assign to book_id or book (if you have a book object)
                photo = BookImage(url=url, book_id=book_id)
            except Exception as err:
                print('An error occurred uploading file to S3: %s' % err)
                return BookImageMutation(success=False)
            print('Missing image or book ID')
            return BookImageMutation(success=False)

        return BookImageMutation(success=True)

class Mutation(ObjectType):
    book_mutation = BookMutation.Field()
    book_image_mutation = BookImageMutation.Field()

schema = Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)

In this upload mutation, we introduce a new GraphQL type, called Upload. Then we called the S3 boto client's upload_fileobj function, which sends the file to our image bucket.

In summary:

  1. We give each file a unique key string, so we never overwrite existing images.

  2. Once the upload succeeds, we create a new BookImage and assign it's public url.

As you may have guessed, this mutation will handle creating the file upload using a multi-part form data header. Testing locally requires a new request interface called Altair.

link FileUploadGraphQLView

Replace your existing GraphQLView with a new FileUploadGraphQLView in library/library/

from graphene_file_upload.django import FileUploadGraphQLView

urlpatterns = [
  # ...
  url(r'^graphql', FileUploadGraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True)),

link Testing Locally

Altair Client

If you are on macOS, download the GraphQL client with homebrew:

brew cask install altair-graphql-client 

Otherwise, check out this link:

Download Altair

See the diagram below for an overview of the Altair client usage:

Builder Book

Authorization Header

In Altair, be sure to include your logged-in user's JSON web token with each requests' headers as follows:

Authorization: JWT <token>

While the Authorization header is not strictly required, you may need to include it if you added PrivateGraphQLView earlier in Chapter Five.

Upload Book Image

OK, fire up the client, and send a sample mutation:

mutation UploadBookImage($image: Upload!, $book_id:ID!) {
  bookImageMutation(file: $image, id: $book_id) {

Once you see this response:

  "data": {
    "bookImageMutation": {
      "success": true

Your first book image was successfully uploaded.

link Book Image Serializer

We can create GET requests for book images, once they are serialized using a new BookImageSerializer:

from catalog.models import Author, Book, BookImage

# Add anywhere above BookSerializer

class BookImageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = BookImage
        fields = ['url']

class BookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    author = AuthorSerializer(required=False)
    images = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True)

    def get_images(self, obj):
        images = BookImage.objects.filter(
        serializer = BookImageSerializer(instance=images, many=True)

    # ...

Now you can query for book images at or using this example:

query {
  books {
    edges {
      node {
        bookimageSet {

That's a wrap! WELL DONE!!

In the next section we prepare the library for deployment. Stay tuned!

link References
